Saturday, June 25, 2011

Peanut is here!!

Posted by Kiki at 9:52 PM
I started this blog when I was pregnant with Peanut, with an intense desire to share with the world of the impending addition to the family. Blind superstition kept me from making my blog public. Finally, D-day arrived. The stork delivered our Anniversary present a week earlier, making it a lovely Father's Day gift. Peanut entered our world on June 17th 2011. A and I are absolutely delighted at being a happy threesome with little Peanut filling our life and thoughts with love and laughter. Oh, what joy. What excitement. The little person we dubbed "Peanut" (she was as tiny and cute as a Peanut) in our first ultrasound at ten weeks, made a grand entry blowing spit bubbles at us.

The feelings I went through were just too many. I was overjoyed when I heard her first loud cry. When I first saw her as the doctor lowered the curtain for me to take a quick look, my jaw dropped. OMG!! She is so tiny and oh so cute, I exclaimed to A who was standing next to me, engrossed in capturing her on his video camera. I was elated when everyone around me were showering me with congratulations. A brought a neatly swaddled Peanut over to me and I pecked her soft-as-a-petal cheek. I felt pride at the beautiful being that A and I had created. I felt thankful to God for bestowing us with the most precious gift possible. A and I held hands and looked at each other and smiled. We are now complete. What more can one ask for?

How as our life changed? Well, sleep is rarer than the blue moon. Any spare time we have is usually reserved for cat naps. Burp is a much awaited event. A and I can now change diapers at supersonic speed. We are usually terrified at carrying teeny tiny babies, but have adapted like fish in water. I am still recovering from a blasted c-section and A takes care of me and Peanut. He has mastered the art of swaddling her so well that he sometimes manages to suffocate her. I love how she deftly pulls out her hand after he has struggled and finally succeeded in pinning it down under the blanket. Dad and daughter are bonding pretty well. He sometimes even finger feeds her. He cuddles her when she is cold and showers her with kisses. He runs errands and cleans up the house every now and then. The last one week was a bliss having him around. Next week he is off to work and am not sure how I will cope. My parents are here. So, let's see how that goes.


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