Monday, September 19, 2011

Three months letter

Posted by Kiki at 10:34 AM

Dear Peanut,

At 3 months you are a handfull. You hardly give me any time to write about you. Even now, as am writing this, you are sleeping on me, cuddling my cushy tummy. You prefer this to the plush crib. The crib houses all your toys, plush animals and board books. And I can't stop cribbing about this. I really need to train you to sleep in your crib. Soon, soon.

You love conversing with people. The babble never stops. I call you the chatter box. You take after your grandpa. The flaring of the nose and the just so cute. Your dad has recorded all your antics. You will see it some day. You love the play gym. The red ant is your favorite. Anything you grasp in your hand is promptly taken to your mouth and is chewed on. The plush monkey's tail has taken the brunt a million times. You love to be carried around the house. Seriously, you should see my biceps. And, the best of all, you sleep through the night! You are very sweet that way. You still stick your lower lip out when you are upset. You looove balloons. Like me. You play with Whitey during diaper change. There is a Greeny too. Ghanta Singh (the bell used in poojas) comes to my rescue when you are bawling and nothing else can pacify you.

You lie on the boppy when I read to you.The very hungry caterpillar continues to fascinate you. So does brown bear, brown bear and Spot. Grandparents are absolutely entertained by you. Everytime you see someone, you flash that million dollar smile! The more we see it, the more we want to see. Day by day you are becoming more like how your dad wanted you to be. My looks and his brains. I know, he can be mean sometimes. Actually, you are a nice blend of me and him. You can hold your head up most of the time. But when it plops and hits my shoulder you have a meltdown. You are trying hard to roll over and cry in frustration when your hand comes in the way. Anger. You certainly have both our genes in that department.

We got a Tiramisu cake for your third month completion. Made rasmalai at home and dined at Taj Palace.

Finally, I got this letter done in haste. Don't grow up so fast. Else, we will have to think of a brother or sister for you. What do you say? Would you like a playmate?



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