Monday, October 10, 2011


Posted by Kiki at 11:09 AM
....means celebrations. Dusshera. Diwali. Halloween. It also is when the leaves turn orange as though illuminated by the sun light and when the show is over, finally Fall. It is when one can't step out without a jacket and the fireplace in the family room comes to life. This time it is a month of anxieties. First, Peanut's four months' shots. I have chewed my nails off, thinking about it. Second, we are thinking of getting her ears pierced. I know, it's just a gunshot. She will hardly feel anything, but I can't help becoming my mother, worrying about how it will go. Such tender ear lobes they are. Third, the grandparents are leaving the end of this month. I don't know how Peanut will react to this separation. Will she bawl when she sees them walking away at the Airport or will she just forget about it? Will she miss them when we get back home? Oh, I don't want to think about it yet. Fourth, should I start solids for Peanut? My sis says I should. I can't wait to either. Let's see what her doctor has to say. Fifth, Peanut's first visit to India next month. I have no clue how we will entertain a five month old in a 20 hour flight. Do you? My heart rises up to my oral cavities when I think about it. What should I pack? Onesies, outfits, hats, diapers, wipes, socks, tights, leggings, soap, baby oil, lotion, shampoo, medicine kit, toys, books, towels, wash cloth, bibs, accessories, blankets, grooming kit and what more? Good lord!

The weekend was spent in shopping for Peanut and her cousins. The shopping cart was loaded to the brim with clothes and accessories. Peanut was a button all day, putting up with her bumbling fumbling parents. On the way back she lost it and had a huge meltdown to get out of the carseat. We were glad to get back home!


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