Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our days these days

Posted by Kiki at 11:31 PM
Today was one of the good days in Seattle. It was in the high 70s, which in reality is a little too hot. After shoving some prune with oatmeal and a few spoons of peach yogurt down Peanut's throat, she was made to wear a nice summery frock and was deposited in her car seat for the ride to the Gym. These days she sits holding her favorite Greeny ( a teddy from daddy's office) and listens to the nursery rhymes all the way! What is she doing at the gym, you ask? Well, she has a ball in the Kidz Club, fiddling with toys and exploring every nook and corner while mama sweats it out on the treadmill, desperately trying to get rid of the love handles on her hips that refuse to budge. So, after the workout mama and Peanut get back home. Peanut gets some alone time with her toys while mama quickly showers. Sometimes though Peanut will decide to cry and mama will come clambering from the shower, wrapped in a towel, just to assure her that all's well. Then Peanut is whisked off to her bath tub where she happily goes splash! splash! splash! There's water on mama, the counter top, the huge mirror and the floor. But I just let her have fun. I am the cool mom, you see. We make bubbles and play with squirt toys for a while. She is then patted dry, powdered and her tiny curls combed. With her fresh spaghetti top and a diaper she's all set for the next round of mischief. I quickly make her lunch and keep the Tv on to distract her. Ads are such a life saver. As soon as the Ad gets over, she's back in the kitchen holding my leg and burying her face in my thighs wanting me to move out and play with her. Who will make your lunch, Sweety? Amidst protests and screams I quickly whip up her vegetable khichdi and walk to the dining saying "mum-mum" and she toddles behind hurriedly as if she's been starving for days. Baby goes to the farm, Spot loves his daddy and Baby's first words are brought out to help shovel the food. Mama then cleans up and has her lunch. Potty time. Diaper change. Giada at home comes and Peanut loves to watch the title music where Giada's daughter Jade runs on the beach! Mama watches the show while P builds a tower with the blocks or holds the elephant in her hand and keeps saying "pawooo" a hundred times. At about 12:45pm Peanut decides enough is enough. Yaaaaaaaaaaawn! Tugs her ears and whines. Phew! Nap time. Yay! I put her in the swing, turn the music on and give her a pacifier. Yes, am a bad, lazy mom who does not rock her baby to sleep. In under five minutes she is fast asleep! I then catch up with food blog, Facebook, deal websites, yelp, mails for the next 1.5 to 2 hours. In between when Peanut wakes up I pat her back to sleep. At 3 pm she wakes up with a smile ( the paci has long fallen off) and her "nananananan......"

Coffee time for me and milk time for her. While the milk boils and cools I give her some cheese and rice puffs to nibble on. She says "theeee" and comes running when she sees the cheese in my hand. While she nibbles I sip my coffee and simultaneously run the kneader for roti. I also chop veggies and cook dinner. Oh, to make her drink all the milk I play videos of nursery rhymes on my mobile. Not easy, huh? It is then time for her evening walk. Mommy and baby put on shorts and tee and head out. She totally loves her ride on buggy. After a couple of rounds in the community we hit the play area where she just rolls on the grass. I pretend to chase her and she squeals and goes scampering for dear life. Today though we spent the evening at Praveena's. Nikhil sat on Peanut's buggy and refused to get up. He even hit her a few times. Poor baby went running to mama. Praveena brought out Nikhil's toys for Peanut. She even read a story for them. She made poha for a snack and Pea loved it. It was then time to head back home. A had called to say he's running late by 30 mins. So once again I had to make Peanut's dinner with her hovering around my legs. A finally entered the house at 6:20 pm, mumbling "hon, am soooooooooooo tired........ aaaaaaah!"

A fed Peanut dinner while I made rotis and heated the food. Post dinner A inflated Peanut's pool while I scrubbed the vessels and cleaned up the kitchen. A quick webcam chat with the Grandparents (my parents) followed after which Peanut was changed into her night dress, given Tylenol ( teething troubles) and patted to sleep drinking milk.

Every day is the same. More or less. This stay-at-home-mom business can be a little tiring but is very rewarding. Yes, you should try it sometime!


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